Thursday, August 24, 2006

"The Forest Has Eyes..."

"The Forest Has Eyes..." This one work above by Bev Doolitte, and other artists, are honorable ways of art depicting life. The forest does have eyes... and they are always there watching us. To see what we are like, what we will do in our adventures, and how we will act in that precious environment.
If only we allow ourselves to 'see'...
"The sides of the dead fir are charred, its upper surface is smooth, bleached to a uniform grey, and as inviting to an artist as a chalkboard. He takes a piece of charcoal in hand and sketches a woman's face, not in bold outline, but subtly, with shadings and blurred features, so that an unsuspecting hiker coming upon it later might wonder if Mother Nature hadn't drawn the image herself." M. Mardon
"I am never alone in this wild forest, this forest of elders, this forest of eyes..." R. Nelson
Sometimes we don't know what is there until we 'see' it. Once having 'seen', we can never not now be aware. Like the artists above ask of us; the face you may discover on a "Summit Stone"; or the ancient carving of a face on a long dead tree in the Broken Group Islands we found; look more closely..... DSD


Anonymous said...

I've 'seen' that amazing carving off of the very south part of Willis Island in the Broken Group. If I look closely, I think I can also 'see' many animals, and faces in the art you have posted. Nice creativity. Whose work is it?

Anonymous said...

I like the faces in your stones. Are there other figures and images hidden on them too?

Anonymous said...

I've heard of these stones from others who wilderness trek. I appreciate the effort to add to peoples' experiences. I'd like to know more about where they have been found.

High Power Rocketry said...

Sweet images.