"The symbol for what drives you, for the source that moves you, in many cultures - is fire. Your energy, your power, your enthusiasms are all fire and flames. Read the coals and discover what you need." Grey Wolf
Pictures and quotes like these have provided real inspiration and hours of musing for me. The one in the center is not my picture but was taken by a lively group of kayakers in the Broken Group Islands. (I wonder if they found that Stone...) The other two are not pictures, but paintings, completed by Stephen Lyman. We first discovered his work over twenty years ago and I have looked to it for inspiration many times, especially in trying to capture the visions of fire and flames he had. It was with much sadness we learned of Stephens' passing in what I recall was a mountaineering accident. His work is indeed a legacy...
"A 'mountain campfire'...as I painted, I could feel the excitement and meaning that this image would generate. It flowed out so smoothly and effortlessly, as if it were meant to be." S. Lyman
How do you create your own fire and flames? Who do you share the reading of the coals with?
Cool thing to do brother.
Your kindness is special. We were hiking in Canyonlands National Park earlier this year and you put a SummitStone on the windshield of our truck. We discovered this on our return and have were astonished by both the SummitStone and the Muse. These are little marvels and we so love secrets!!
Found one of these on the summit of Yukness. Appreciate your efforts to give something back.
Very pretty pictures of fire.
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