Monday, August 14, 2006

At The End Of The Rainbow...

What is at the end of the rainbow.....

"Let us not lose sight of the reason for the journey, or miss a chance to see a rainbow on the way." (G. Gaither). What is at the end of the rainbow could be described as our own reasons, our own motivation...There is real gold in understanding the value of this...

What is at the end of the rainbow.....

"You...whose day this is, make it beautiful. Get out you rainbow colors that it may be beautiful." (Nekoosa Indian Poem). What is at the end of the rainbow could be seen as our own perspectives, our own expectations, our very outlook and the way that this colors our world...

What is at the end of the rainbow.....

"Walk on a rainbow trail; walk on a trail of song...". (R. Motherwell). There are many trails, countless paths that lead to rainbows of our own making. The 'rainbow trail' has also been described as the 'path of gifts'.

What is at the end of the rainbow.....

"Some hope, some dreams to cling to...Some rainbow in the sky, some melody to sing to...Some service that is high." (H. Du Autermont). Service and giving back presents us with rainbows within rainbows... DSD


Anonymous said...

Just love rainbows and just love your blog. What a unique thing to do.

Anonymous said...

You are giving something without any expectations in return and that is special. Your stones are very nice and your efforts are too. I hope to find something like this when I am out paddling. It would be a very uplifting experience.

Anonymous said...

Your stones are special and would add something even more special to a persons experience in the wilderness. What a great thing to do.

Anonymous said...

I wonder if you meant to place your summit stone by yosemite waterfalls in just that way? You can see a 'rainbow' from just that spot. What is at the end of a rainbow - I found what what was there. Very gracious, very cool to secret this gift away like that. I work here and have never seen this simple yet genuine kindness. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Discovered a summit stone while kayaking in the gulf islands. It has a rainbow on it. Pretty little keepsake.