Thursday, August 24, 2006
"The Forest Has Eyes..."
"The Forest Has Eyes..." This one work above by Bev Doolitte, and other artists, are honorable ways of art depicting life. The forest does have eyes... and they are always there watching us. To see what we are like, what we will do in our adventures, and how we will act in that precious environment.
If only we allow ourselves to 'see'...
"The sides of the dead fir are charred, its upper surface is smooth, bleached to a uniform grey, and as inviting to an artist as a chalkboard. He takes a piece of charcoal in hand and sketches a woman's face, not in bold outline, but subtly, with shadings and blurred features, so that an unsuspecting hiker coming upon it later might wonder if Mother Nature hadn't drawn the image herself." M. Mardon
"I am never alone in this wild forest, this forest of elders, this forest of eyes..." R. Nelson
Sometimes we don't know what is there until we 'see' it. Once having 'seen', we can never not now be aware. Like the artists above ask of us; the face you may discover on a "Summit Stone"; or the ancient carving of a face on a long dead tree in the Broken Group Islands we found; look more closely..... DSD
Monday, August 21, 2006
Summit Stones by DSD...
"Every Day A Mystery....."
"These are Things..."
At dawn I left the mountain and, alone, lost my way;
In and out , up and down, while a heavy mist
made brook and mountain green and purple, brightening everything.
I am passing pines and oaks which ten men could not girdle,
I am treading pebbles barefoot
in swift-running water,
Its ripples purify my ear
while a soft wind blows my garments...
These are things...which,
in themselves, make life happy..." Han Yu
Enjoy your day...DSD
Friday, August 18, 2006
A Jeffrey Pine Thought...
J. Muir
It would have been such an experience to have watched Ansel Adams take this picture of the Jeffrey Pine that was at that time alive on the top of Sentinel Dome in Yosemite. Adams work is an inspiration to artists and outdoor folk who all appreciate what he was able to see with his eyes and capture with his imagination.
This same Pine is no longer alive and as we saw the other day actually has some carvings on it made by some unaware persons. Is that really how we want to be in the wilderness?
The Pine had, and still has, a character that Muir reflects upon in his quote...
I wonder if we could accept a lesson from such presence.....
Monday, August 14, 2006
At The End Of The Rainbow...
What is at the end of the rainbow.....
"Let us not lose sight of the reason for the journey, or miss a chance to see a rainbow on the way." (G. Gaither). What is at the end of the rainbow could be described as our own reasons, our own motivation...There is real gold in understanding the value of this...
What is at the end of the rainbow.....
"You...whose day this is, make it beautiful. Get out you rainbow colors that it may be beautiful." (Nekoosa Indian Poem). What is at the end of the rainbow could be seen as our own perspectives, our own expectations, our very outlook and the way that this colors our world...
What is at the end of the rainbow.....
"Walk on a rainbow trail; walk on a trail of song...". (R. Motherwell). There are many trails, countless paths that lead to rainbows of our own making. The 'rainbow trail' has also been described as the 'path of gifts'.
What is at the end of the rainbow.....
"Some hope, some dreams to cling to...Some rainbow in the sky, some melody to sing to...Some service that is high." (H. Du Autermont). Service and giving back presents us with rainbows within rainbows... DSD
Wednesday, August 02, 2006
There is something.....
"There is something so elementally attractive about a river stone, or a rock outlined against the sky." Deng Ming-Dao
"You will find more in the woods than books. Trees and stones will teach you that which you can never learn from masters." St. Bernard
"You will feel me beside you; see my face in the stone; hear me on the wind." Grandfather, Mountain Elder
Fire & Flames...
"The symbol for what drives you, for the source that moves you, in many cultures - is fire. Your energy, your power, your enthusiasms are all fire and flames. Read the coals and discover what you need." Grey Wolf