As N. O'Connell wrote; "Stones...chart the mysterious topography of the human spirit".
This particular adventure has many moments for... contemplating the finding, gathering, choosing & collecting, cleaning & polishing, designing, painting, coating, musing over, travelling with, adventuring, placing, reflecting on, then beginning all over again the process of the Summit Stones within these experiences.......
very cool
going to keep checking in here
From reading over your blog we get the sense that kayaking is something you go out and do often. We are out on the water as much as we can too. On our last trip out in Barkley Sound while crossing the Broken Group we discovered a muse and stone. In the muse was this blog address and we wanted to let you know one of your little gifts has found a home!
I am not sure if I like this idea yet or not. It sounds thoughtful but leaving things out in the wilderness may not be what people want to see there? Just my opinion.
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