Have you ever seen or imagined a face in the stone you 'see' when out on your adventures?
When you climb or hike across that granite, quartz, or limestone...do you ever wonder about the shapes that are presented to you? Sometimes we can find things out in that rock that reflect many different things...
Grandfather, a Mountain Elder said, "You will feel me beside you; see my face in the stone; hear me on the wind.", and W. Jones wrote that "Early Miwok Indians imagined rocks that grew and people who turned to stone".
There is a character to such rock and stone that is an adventure to imagine...maybe like the character we find within ourselves when adventuring. There is an art to discovering these aspects of character...and the stories we then tell about these discoveries becomes a part of our lives. La Pena, Bates, and Medley wrote about the importance of these stories and that, "Stories explain...the appearance of faces, figures, shapes, designs, and animal forms that are sometimes found at these spots." So much to 'see'.....
I've been intrigued by the many DSD posts that are on message boards over the internet. You have placed your stones in many wilderness locations and they certainly capture the interests of people finding them. The comments on clubtread, kakayingeverywhere, the canoekayak threads, among others, are fun to read and share in people's excitement about their experiences. It is a cool thing way to give back and some have found it to be a little but powerful gift. That is very special.
Just posted on the other blog. I have seen some face like things in stone before and they were pretty keen. These are coolpics. Like the faces in your stones to.
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