"The adventure... of a mystery. The 'adventure muse' has her ways, she hides from you, comes to you in the middle of the night, at midday, at dawn... an elusive gift that can appear anytime."
M. Hart
The top picture above is 'The Valley of The Muses' on the eastern slopes of Mt. Helikon.
Shrines to the Muses were called 'mouseion'; the original source for the current 'museum'.
The word 'Muses' itself comes from the Greek 'mousai'; the root of which means 'mountain'.
Interesting connections... If we contemplate what we find within our adventure experiences, we often discover before unseen hidden meaning...
Love the musing concept. Have always done this. I always thought that this was the most important part of adventures.
I've mused over my stone after finding it in larch valley. That was a good day.
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